Members will have demonstrated through external examination that they have and will maintain a high level of knowledge, skills, experience and practice in the area of criminal litigation.
The Criminal Litigation Accreditation is designed to enable solicitors, barristers and Fellows of the Institute of Legal Executives (FILEX) to qualify to apply for inclusion on local duty solicitor rotas under the Legal Services Commission’s Criminal Defence Service Duty Solicitor Arrangements 2001.
They take an outcomes-focused, risk-based approach to regulation, to make sure that individuals and firms that they regulate operate independently and with integrity in the interests of their clients and in the wider public interest.
They cannot give legal advice, or tell those facing criminal charges which solicitors or lawyers to use, because they are independent. They do, however, have guidance on how to find a solicitor or law firm, how to get the best from legal services, and what to expect from a solicitor.