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This privacy notice sets out the standards you can expect from Reeves & Co Solicitors when we request or hold your personal information. It also informs you how you can request access and obtain a copy of your data and what you can do if you think the standards are not being met. We know how important it is to protect your privacy and comply with data protection laws. We will safeguard your personal data and will only disclose your information when lawful to do so or with your consent.


Reeves & Co Solicitors processes your personal information to meet our legal, statutory and contractual obligations and to provide you with a quality service. We will never collect any unnecessary personal data from you and do not process your information in any way, other than already specified in this notice.


The personal data that we collect from you is:

  • Name, Date of Birth, Home Address, Personal Email, Home Telephone Number, Mobile Telephone Number and National Insurance Number;

  • Special Category Data (details about disability, gender etc) and Criminal Convictions.


We collect information in the following ways:

  • Verbally;

  • Written correspondence;

  • Written records.


We only retain your data for as long as is necessary and for the purposes specified in this notice.


Information we obtain allows us to apply for funding for you in order to support your court costs;


We gather evidence, facts and share information in order to prepare, assess, manage and support your case and ensure you are provided with a high quality service.


If we were unable to collect this information we would be unable to provide the service needed.


You have the right to access any personal information that Reeves & Co Solicitors processes about you and to request information about:


  • What personal data we hold about you;

  • The purposes of the processing;

  • The categories of personal data concerned;

  • The recipients to whom the personal data has/will be disclosed;

  • How long we intend to store your personal data for;

  • If we did not collect the data directly from you, information about the source.


You have the right to request erasure of your personal data or if you believe that we hold any incomplete or inaccurate data about you, you have the right to ask us to correct. We will strive to update/correct/process your requests in accordance with data protection laws as quickly as possible; unless there is a valid reason for not doing so, at which point you will be notified.


If we receive a request from you to exercise any of the above rights, we may ask you to verify your identity before acting on the relevant request; this is to ensure that your data is protected and kept secure.


We do not share or disclosure any of your personal information without your consent, other than for the purposes specified in this notice or where there is a legal requirement. Reeves & Co Solicitors works closely with a number of third parties in order to manage your case effectively, however all processors acting on our behalf only process your data in accordance with instructions from us and comply fully with this privacy notice, the data protection laws and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.


These third parties include (but not limited to):


  • Document Processing System (DPS) our case management system;

  • Crown Prosecution Service;

  • Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service;

  • Probation Service;

  • Police;

  • Legal Aid Agency;

  • Translators and Expert witnesses.


We share information in both directions with these parties in order to progress, gather information, prepare and manage the development of your case. We will only ever share information that is completely necessary and at a benefit to you.


Please note we will never share your information with anyone, including family members without your consent.


Reeves & Co Solicitors takes your privacy seriously and we take every reasonable measure and precaution to protect and secure your personal data. We work hard to protect you and your information from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction and have several layers of security measures in place.


Reeves & Co Solicitors only ever retain personal information for as long as is necessary and we have strict review and retention policies in place to meet these obligations. We are required to keep your basic personal data for a minimum of 6 years after which time it will be destroyed.


Reeves & Co Solicitors only processes your personal information in compliance with this privacy notice and in accordance with the relevant data protection laws. You have the right to request information, removal and changes and can do so by contacting the details below.


Also if you wish to raise a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data please, in the first instance contact:

Daisy Guy, Practice Manager
Reeves & Co Solicitors, 27 High Street, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8TF


Owing to the services that we offer, Reeves & Co Solicitors sometimes need to request sensitive personal information from you including criminal records and health conditions, this is again in order to prepare and manage your case. Where we collect sensitive personal data, we will only request the information required for the specified purpose and always ask for your explicit consent. You can modify or remove consent at any time, which we will act on immediately, unless there is a legitimate interest or legal reason for not doing so.


Reeves & Co Solicitors take your privacy seriously and will only process your personal data with your consent and in accordance with the terms stated in our Privacy Policy.


In addition to this we sometimes require (where appropriate and required) access to your medical/social care/probation/educational records. In order to do this we would need your permission. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.


If you feel your information has not been handled correctly and are dissatisfied with the result of the complaint process you have raised with Reeves & Co Solicitors, you have the right to contact:


Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

0303 123 1113

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